Tuesday 6 November 2012

Tooth Decay – Also called Cavities, Dental Caries

You call it a cavity. Your dentist calls it tooth decay or dental caries. They're all names for a hole in your tooth. The cause of tooth decay is plaque, a sticky substance in your mouth made up mostly of germs. Tooth decay starts in the outer layer, called the enamel. Without a filling, the decay can get deep into the tooth and its nerves and cause a toothache or abscess.

To help prevent cavities

  • Brush your teeth every day with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Clean between your teeth every day with floss or another type of between-the-teeth cleaner
  • Snack smart - limit sugary snacks
  • See your dentist or oral health professional regularly

Above article from:

Bradlee Dental Care
3690 King Street, Suite KL
Alexandria, VA 22302
(703) 820-0809
Website: http://bradleedentalcare.com/

1 comment:

  1. Recent studies says that vitamin D is very beneficial in preventing tooth decay. However, the a deep research has been going on. Lets see what happens in near future in the field of dentistry. Thank you Denial for your post.

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